Breathpower Breathing Coach Training
The Healing Breath Circle
Healing Breath
Is another name for Judith Kravitz's Transformational breathing. In Dutch we call this beautiful breathing technique the Connected Breathing.
A Healing Breath breathing session works in three areas, namely the physical body is cleansed and you experience an enormous clearing and boost. The emotional mental part is touched by the higher energy that is in oxygen, so that you feel space and the tensions in mind and body are relieved. A breath of fresh air. For everyone. And finally on the spiritual level where you feel very clearly connected and more loving with yourself and your environment.
By breathing in a focused way, your perception is considerably increased and you can make more conscious choices. You are not just in your head and you can now actually put the changes you would like to do with thinking on a deeper cellular level. That is real transformation, that is permanent change and improving your situation.
"Hi Erik, last night's session was very nice. I experience a kind of reset. Letting go of old feelings of guilt and the triggers that are caused by it. Thank you"
Rob R. Mierlo-Hout
When you give power to your breath, your breath immediately gives you the power you need.
Healing Breathing Circle
for men and women
Participation Healing Breathing Circle €35 (Session of 2.5 hours)
Every month Erik organizes mixed Breath Circles at several locations. Breathing together in a circle is very powerful. This active form of breath always yields something. In fact, it doesn't matter who comes for which theme. There are always interfaces. Because the recognition in the other is so clear, magical things happen that provide wonderful insights. If you change your breath you can change your life. If you give yourself more room to breathe, your breath immediately gives you more room to live more freely.
A breathing circle evening always starts with a nice introduction and explanation of the program, which will usually take 2.5 hours. On the mat we start with a few breaths, concentration and grounding exercises. Breath awareness and conscious breathing as a warm up.
After setting an intention for yourself, we go to the core of the meeting. You will then breathe transforming while lying down for more than 45 minutes. Very beautiful, very safe and for everyone to perform. Erik uses well-chosen and appropriate music to make the session more pleasant for your process. The breathing session concludes with a 15 to 20 minute deep relaxation. Then we close the circle together with a cup of tea and fruit so that we can go home in your strength and relieved and lighter. well deserved.