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How do I breathe?

How do I breathe?

How do I breathe? And what creates your breath?
Do you move freely and with all the possibilities that your breath gives you? Or are you perhaps still unconsciously limited, slowed down or even suffocated by blocked breathing? 
When it comes to growth, self-development, conscious learning and healing, your breath is indispensable.

In simple language, with ten practical DIY homework
With exercises and a few breathing sessions, you can also experience a magical release of breath with full and safe breaths. 

Breath is pure. Breath is the truth. Focused breathwork leads to a joyful, balanced, beautiful and energetic life. You just have to discover it.

Writer Erik van Tilburg popped back into his body in 2008 during his first breathing session. Suddenly out of his head. Then he knew from his own experience that all the suffering of today is an accumulation and that emotional and mental traumas through breathwork and touching the body can still dissolve. A training as a breathing coach was a logical next step. The focused and active work with his breath has fundamentally changed his philosophy of life and participation in society.

The breath is always. Have you ever breathed together with your partner?  What if experiencing sexuality really becomes lovemaking?

How I Breathe is a safe, friendly and healthy invitation.

The first edition of the book HOW DO I BREATHE? is already sold out. A second edition (with softcover) can now be ordered.

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